Full10Yards launches the Full10YardsNetwork

Full10Yards is delighted to announce the launch of the Full10YardsNetwork as it looks to become the home of grassroots UK fan-generated content for American football.

The Network is a collaboration of fan channels this side of the Atlantic, both of NFL teams and other sub-sections within the game we love, as we look for new ways to grow the game in the UK.

Believeland Brits Podcast, representing the Cleveland Browns in the Network, and BigBlue UK & Ireland for the New York Giants have been announced as the Network’s first channels, with more to follow over the course of the off-season – with the hope to have most of the NFL’s teams covered by the end of the current season.

The Network is one of a number of new projects launching over the summer, with the new website having launched last week as well as the launch of the pre-order for the season guide, and a number of exciting developments awaiting completion.

Josh Henwood, chair of Full10Yards, said: “As with every off-season, we’ve had time and focus to understand what goals we were able to achieve over the season, what our mission is, and how we can best position ourselves to achieve that mission next season.”

“As always, our mission is to grow the game of American football here in the UK. We’ve done a lot towards promoting Britball, budding officials and coaches, and fundraising for other fantastic causes around the sport on these shores including BAFA’s Wheelchair Football division.”

“This season, we wanted to maximise our support of the game in the UK through what we do, and identified the encouraging and growing number of fan channels in the UK as a way that the sport is growing rapidly. It is hoped, that with our support and the collaboration tools we can offer, that we can help shape this community to reach its potential and maximise its voice in the sport – and that this creates opportunities to support the sport in bigger ways.”

“It’s a really exciting time as we grow Full10Yards for this, and we want to cover all aspects of the sport including American teams, Britball, the European League of Football, general conversation, fantasy / betting, etc. The opportunities are endless, really.”

Stay tuned on @Full10Yards for more information on the new network and developments, and how Full10Yards is continuing to grow the game in the UK.